
Below you can get access to all my published work.


  1. CUP
    Lost in Transition – Where Are All the Social Democrats Today?
    In: Silja Häusermann and Herbert Kitschelt: Beyond Social Democracy. The Transformation of the Left in Emerging Knowledge Societies. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2024
  2. JoP
    Out-group Threat and Xenophobic Hate Crimes: Evidence of Local Intergroup Conflict Dynamics between Immigrants and Natives
    Journal of Politics, 2024


  1. APSR
    Wealth of Tongues: Why Peripheral Regions Vote for the Radical Right in Germany
    American Political Science Review, 2023
  2. WEP
    Pieces of the Puzzle: Coalition Formation & Tangential Preferences
    with Patrick Dumont, Albert Falcó-Gimeno, , and 1 more author
    West European Politics, 2023
  3. JoP
    Place-Based Campaigning: The Political Impact of Real Grassroots Mobilization
    Journal of Politics, 2023
  4. PSRM
    Do Voters Want Domestic Politicians to Scrutinize the European Union?
    Political Science Research & Methods, 2023


  1. APSR
    Tabloid media campaigns and public opinion: Quasi-experimental evidence on Euroscepticism in England
    American Political Science Review, 2022
  2. PSR
    Advantages, Challenges and Limitations of Audit Experiments with Constituents
    with Gidon CohenSarah Cohen, and 5 more authors
    Political Studies Review, 2022
  3. PSRM
    How Transnational Party Alliances Influence National Parties’ Policies
    Political Science Research & Methods, 2022


  1. JEPP
    The public, the protester, and the bill: do legislative agendas respond to public opinion signals?
    Journal of European Public Policy, 2021


  1. BJPS
    What makes parties adapt to voter preferences? The role of party organization, goals and ideology
    British Journal of Political Science, 2020
  2. JEPOP
    Party policy diffusion in the European multilevel space: what it is, how it works, and why it matters
    Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 2020


  1. AJPS
    Do Voters Polarize When Radical Parties Enter Parliament?
    American Journal of Political Science, 2019
  2. SPSR
    The Use and Usefulness of p-Values in Political Science: Introduction
    with  Mariken van der Velden
    Swiss Political Science Review, 2019


  1. EUP
    Working in unison: Political parties and policy issue transfer in the multilevel space
    European Union Politics, 2018
  2. EJPR
    Simple politics for the people? Complexity in campaign messages and political knowledge
    European Journal of Political Research, 2018
  3. WEP
    Ideological congruence between party rhetoric and policy-making
    West European Politics, 2018


  1. PP
    Towards a Renewal of the Niche Party Concept: Parties, Market Shares and Condensed Offers
    Party Politics, 2017
  2. STATA
    New graphic schemes for Stata: plotplain and plottig
    Stata Journal, 2017
  3. EP
    The Effects of the Fukushima Disaster on Nuclear Energy Debates and Policies: A Two-Steps Comparative Examination
    with Luca Bernardi, Laura Morales, , and 1 more author
    Environmental Politics, 2017
  4. Software
    G538SCHEMES: Stata module to provide graphics schemes for
    Statistical Software Components, 2017


  1. Software
    BLINDSCHEMES: Stata module to provide graph schemes sensitive to color vision deficiency


  1. SPSR
    Repression as a Double-Edged Sword: Resilient Monarchs, Repression and Revolution in the Arab World
    Swiss Political Science Review, 2015


  1. PAAF
    Minority-ethnic MPs and the substantive representation of minority interests in the House of Commons, 2005–2011
    Parliamentary Affairs, 2012