
Overview of my teaching portfolio

FAQ by students:

Over the years, student inquiries have accumulated, and often the questions are repetitive for me. This document comes with the idea that students first seek answers to their questions in this document before sending an email to me. This helps both sides: students get an immediate answer and don’t have to wait for my response. I don’t have to constantly deal with the same questions: Teaching Statement: FAQ

Current coursework:

  • [MA seminar @Münster:] Political Culture and Norms: How Societies Change (Syllabus)

  • [BA research seminar @Münster:] Was wir von wissenschaftlichen Studien lernen können (Kausale Inferenz I) (Syllabus)
  • [BA lecture @Münster:] Einführung in die Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (Syllabus)

Former coursework:

  • [MA seminar @Aarhus:] Political Culture and Norms: How Societies Change (Syllabus)
  • [MA thesis colloquium @ETH & Uni Zurich:] MACIS thesis colloquium (Syllabus)
  • [MA seminar @Zurich:] Invasive Parties: Where New Parties Come From And How They Change Party Systems (Syllabus)
  • [MA seminar (with Daniele Caramani) @Zurich:] Left-Right in Global Perspective (Syllabus)

  • [BA lecture & tutorials @Aarhus:] Political Institutions
  • [BA seminar @Zurich:] Parteien & Parteiensysteme (Syllabus)
  • [BA lecture & tutorials (with Daniele Caramani) @Zurich:] Vertiefung Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (Syllabus)

Designed but not taught:

  • [MA seminar:] The Means and Ends of Party Manifestos & Party Positions (Syllabus)